For more information, please contact the Committee Secretary at or 661-862-5107.
Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee
All meetings are held from 9 AM to 10AM in the Public Meeting Room of the Public Services Building located at 2700 "M" Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301, unless otherwise noted.
Upcoming Meetings
- April 11, 2025
- July 11, 2025
- October 10, 2025
Previous Meetings, Agendas, & Minutes
Membership Qualifications
Nine (9) members and three (3) alternates consisting of the following representation:
- 1 metropolitan Bakersfield hauler;
- 1 non-metropolitan Bakersfield hauler;
- 1 recycler;
- 1 member from the public sector, within a universal/mandatory collection area;
- 1 member from the public sector, not within a universal/mandatory collection area;
- 1 member of the Bakersfield City Council;
- 1 member of the Board of Supervisors, representing the Intergovernmental Relations Committee;
- 1 member of the Board of Supervisors who is not a member of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee;
- 1 member from the Association of Cities;
- Alternate Members
- Board of Supervisors member
- Association of Cities representative
- Bakersfield City Council member
Duties of SWMAC
- Review the County's current solid waste management system for adequacy and effectiveness
- Review the County's current plan for implementing solid waste management in the future
- Provide input through Kern County Public Works to County's engineering consultants related to solid waste management planning
- Make recommendations to Board of Supervisors by periodic reports of committee concerning solid waste management program of County
Duties of Local Task Force (LTF)
- Identify solid waste management issues of countywide or regional concern
- Determine the need for solid waste collections systems, processing facilities, and marketing strategies that can serve more than one local jurisdiction within the region
- Facilitate the development of multi-jurisdictional arrangements for the marketing of recyclables
- Facilitate resolution of conflicts and inconsistencies between or among City and County source reduction and recycling elements
- The LTF shall develop goals, policies, and procedures, which are consistent with the guidelines and regulation adopted by CalRecycle to guide the development of the siting elements of the countywide solid waste management plan